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                             Dublin, Ireland - Aug, Sept 2011


Sunday, Aug 28th 2011                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                      We thought summer vacation was over, that we were going home! But thanks to Hurricane Irene we are stuck in Dublin for a whole week. It was supposed to be a 2  hour break at Dublin Airport. Instead, it was one week in Dublin's Carlton Hotel. The biggest problem was to adjust from almost 40C in Mostar to 15C in Dublin.


Dublin, Ireland 
Day 1 Photo Gallery

Monday, Aug 29th 2011


Because we were completely unprepared for this visit, it took us some time to find out "what to do and where to go" in Dublin. We did not mind to use public transportation that's why every day we started and finished at O'Connell Street. The first day we spent walking around O'Connell Street and City Port.



Prvi dan !
Day 2 Photo Gallery

Tuesday, Aug 30th 2011

The second day we started in Garden of Remembrance and Writers Museum then we walked along the O'Connell Street all the way untill River Liffey. From there we went West to the old part of the City where we visited City Hall, Old Dublin Wall and Gates. Nearby that Medieval Area is the famous Guinness Storehouse. From there we walked through small  and narrow streets and reached St.Patrick's Cathedral. From there, along George's Street and South City Market we finally arrived at our final destination , the National Museum.                                             

Drugi dan ! 
Day 3 Photo Gallery

Wednesday, Aug 31st 2011

On the third day we walked along River Liffey untill Grand Canal Theatre. From there we walked to the old part of city, to Temple Bar. Beautiful old area with many pubs and live music. In the evening we walked to the St. Stephen's Green Park.



Treci Dan !
Day 4 Photo Gallery

Thursday, Sep 1st 2011


The main attraction on our fourth day was Dublin Wheel or Revolver. With more than 60 meters in the air, it has beautiful view of the whole Dublin City. After Dublin Wheel we visited the National Gallery and Natural History Museum.


Cetvrti dan !
Day 5 Photo Gallery

Friday, Sep 2nd 2011


Slowing down: Leaving tomorrow !!!

Some photos from streets of Dublin and St. Stephen Green Park


Peti dan !
Day 6

Saturday, Sep 3rd 2011


Sretan rodjendan Majstore !!!



Sretan rodjendan Majstore !!!