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Family Room - Basement (Built 1950 - Rebuilt 2010)


Ceiling is removed - Windows replaced, old stucco removed Vintage window in the corner New stucco Waterproof paint over stucco Concrete floor Pouring concrete Floor joists Subflooring finished Utility closet framing Utility closet drywall Framing the wall Insulating the wall Cement boards on the wall Old window is removed and covered with drywall - New sliding door Utility closet with sliding door Construction began on oposite side Framing and pocket door installation Pocket door installed - Drywall installation Drywall finished Ceiling insulation and lighting Brick veneer installation... Brick veneer installation... Brick veneer installation... Brick veneer installation... Brick veneer installation... Brick veneer installation... Finally finished - Subfloor protected with paint leftovers New stairway Finished room with carpet Finished room with carpet and furniture Finished room with carpet and furniture New stairway with brick veneer wall New graffiti
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